RF 2 Action Trigger channels "12 functions"
Action Trigger can be activated by RF control or local buttons.
Gpio 5 "D1" = button AT 0.
Gpio 4 "D1" = button AT 1.
Gpio 0 "D3" = WiFiConfig 5 seconds.
Gpio 2 "D4" = Led.
Gpio 14 "D5" = RF data in.
Access through browser using the IP of the module or using mDNS "http: /XXXX.local" (being XXXX the name defined for the module in WiFiConfig"do not use spaces or special characters in the name").
The configuration page is in English, if you have activated the browser's translator to another language it will not work.
main page:
1 - link to main page / reload page.
2 - link to Stored RF codes page.
3 - shows the connection status with Supla server / link to "cloud.supla.org/login".
4 - shows the last 5 received RF codes, the most recent at the top.
5 - to save the RF code "see below".
RF save page: "pressing" 5 "on the main page".
8 - corresponding RF code.
9 - dropdown list to select Action Trigger function for the RF code.
10 - name "to be able to easily identify, for example for a PIR sensor: "PIR_sensor-1"
11 - save the RFcode, function and name.
the firmware is compiled in QIO mode 16Mbit.
make sure to select the QIO mode when uploading.