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yes I leave, there will be no more compilations on my part nor will I attend to requests
For months @klew has been introducing changes that break the code continuously and in many cases unnecessary.
This greatly discourages those who have to make continuous changes to adapt these changes "that is probably the intention"
Well, congratulations @klew you did it.
A hug to all the members of the forum, goodbye.
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ElMaya twoje projekty i pomysły wykorzystuje spora część społeczności Supli. Wniosły one dużo nowych i ciekawych rozwiązań w projekty innych użytkowników jak np. termostat, MCP do zwiększenia ilości obsługiwanych przekaźników sam też liczyłem na Twoją pomoc przy mojej konstrukcji oświetlenia schodów.
Może jeszcze zmienisz zdanie?

Translator słabo to przetłumaczył ;)
Last edited by dobo on Mon Mar 08, 2021 10:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I'm sorry you made that decision. The changes to the library for Arduino are not intended to be discouraging. This is how the development version usually works. I hope you will come back to us sometime.
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I'm sorry to hear it.
It was never my intention to discourage anyone.
New SuplaDevice library wasn't inteded to keep backwards compatibility with the old version.

There is no formal release of this new version. I actually plan to do the first release this month.
Once it will be released, I'll try to keep backward compatibility in following releases.
So far we all worked on "develop" branch, and I tried to avoid changes that will break other applications, but it wasn't always possible. But that's how life is on "develop" ;)
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It is clear that in development this can happen but we are talking about totally unnecessary changes.
When you ask about the changes they treat you like a fool.

If this is the game, I don't play.
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I think there is some misunderstanding here. I am convinced that no one treats anyone "like a fool".
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@elmaya stay with us and never say goodbye!!! :shock:
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However, I hope you will change your mind. :roll:
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:shock: :shock: :shock:
@elmaya you are too important to us to leave.
make yourself a vacation from supla. Cool down, take a break from the Supla forum.
And come back to us after a break with new ideas and new energy.
I don't say goodbye to you ... I say ... see you soon.
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