Remote display for 1 phase electricity meter based on DirectLink.

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Remote display for 1 phase electricity meter based on DirectLink.

0.96 ”or 1.3” Oled screen to display the electricity meter.
The display shows watts, volts, amps, apparent power and Kwh.
Updates every 10 seconds and dims after 30 seconds, a press on WiFiConfig restores the screen brightness for 30 seconds.

Gpio 0 (D3) - WiFiConfig / Dimm
Gpio 4 (D2) - Oled SDA
Gpio 5 (D1) - Oled SCL


To enter or change the settings:
To enter the WiFi configuration mode, press and hold the button for at least 10 seconds.
The Oled will show that it is in wificonfig mode.
When in WiFi configuration mode, the device enters WiFi access point mode

- Connect to the WiFi called "DirectEM" from any device with wireless network and an Internet browser.
- Open the Page:
- Tap configure WiFi.
- On the configuration page

- Select the Wi-Fi network at the top by pressing the appropriate one and then enter the password.
- enter the data for:
suplaServer (,
D_Link (/direct/XxX/XXxxXXxxXXxx/read),
- To finish click on Save to save the configuration data.

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Robert Błaszczak
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@elmaya, may I ask you to change the order in which the rows are displayed and to change the units to values as shown in the figures below?

Thank you in advance.

Kwh -> kWh :)

My proposition:
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Robert Błaszczak

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easy. :lol:
I am considering showing a rotation with all the values on the screen while it is on, frequency, voltage, current, powerActive, powerReactive, powerApparent, powerFactor, totalForwardActiveEnergy, pricePerUnit, totalCost,.
and keep the current view when dimmed.

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Robert Błaszczak
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It's definitely better now. Only kWh, the first letter is lowercase.

The idea with the rotation of displaying the other parameters is very good. Change of screens can be triggered by button. After 30 seconds, the screen dims and switches to the first page.
Robert Błaszczak

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Robert Błaszczak wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:18 pm It's definitely better now. Only kWh, the first letter is lowercase.

The idea with the rotation of displaying the other parameters is very good. Change of screens can be triggered by button. After 30 seconds, the screen dims and switches to the first page.
I just checked and it is not lowercase.

Code: Select all

display.drawString(64, 0, String(phases_0_totalForwardActiveEnergy, 1) + " KWh");

I also intend to create for 3 phases display but I need to access Zamel NEW1 through Direct Link-read or that someone send me the Json response from Direct Link-read Zamel NEW1 to complete the data.
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Robert Błaszczak
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elmaya wrote: Sat Feb 15, 2020 3:17 pm I just checked and it is not lowercase.

Code: Select all

display.drawString(64, 0, String(phases_0_totalForwardActiveEnergy, 1) + " KWh"); :D
Robert Błaszczak

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Sorry, I misunderstood, I am ignorant. :roll:
I hope you can forgive me some day. :lol:

corrected, please download again.

is not the same "It's definitely better now. Only kWh , the first letter is lowercase."
as say "It's definitely better now. Only kWh , The first letter should be lowercase."
Of course I appreciate all the help to improve, thanks @Robert.
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Robert Błaszczak
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No problem.
Thank you for great software for Supla :D
Robert Błaszczak

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For several days I have installed MEW-1 3 phases. I uploaded the program from "Remote display for 1 phase electricity meter based on DirectLink."
It shows the data great but only the first phase. Is it possible to preview the sum of 3 phases on the oled? I think so far not because the fault lies with the MEW-1. I am asking to be sure.
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You're irreplaceable. I'm surprised again with your competences and knowledge !!! I was convinced that it was the fault of MEW-1 and you are doing MIRACLES. Of course, now it shows great the sum of 3 phases. I don't know how to praise you anymore, I owe you ...

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