Server setup step by step

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Give me 2hours and then I will contact you
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:57 am


Just connect with credentials i sent you when you can.

My laptop will be on.
Posts: 30
Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:57 am


Ok my rpi image and hosted server works great now. Thx man for the help. If you want i can upload the RPI image for you. I did not change anything yet. It the same as the one on the download site but it works.
Posts: 22
Joined: Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:45 am


TMSer wrote: Sun Dec 11, 2016 6:34 am Ok my rpi image and hosted server works great now. Thx man for the help. If you want i can upload the RPI image for you. I did not change anything yet. It the same as the one on the download site but it works.
Hello there!

I just curious how reliable is your self-hosted Supla Cloud for connecting to all of your device?
Have you been implemented on real project?
I also have self-hosted Supla Cloud for connecting to my own device, but still under testing with my team.

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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 7:57 am


I have one on scaleway now. Much better. I would not reccomend the RPI since you have to setup a lot of DDNS stuff for it to work outside of your wifi network. There is also the port forwarding on the router. Use a cloud service. 5$ a month on scaleway and supla has been working perfectly from day one.
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TMSer wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2017 7:32 am I have one on scaleway now. Much better. I would not reccomend the RPI since you have to setup a lot of DDNS stuff for it to work outside of your wifi network. There is also the port forwarding on the router. Use a cloud service. 5$ a month on scaleway and supla has been working perfectly from day one.
Look great. I use ESP8266-based device to connect to SUPLA cloud.
Now, we are tryin to connect the device to self-hosted SUPLA Cloud in a VPS.
I don't know sometimes the cloud-app got error when user login.
My team is still investigate it.
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might be this tutorial helps some of us :
How To Deploy a Symfony Application to Production on Ubuntu 14.04.
( ... untu-14-04)
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Jul 24, 2017 12:46 pm


In order to run supla cloud, you need to have php 7.x and mysql database.Download the release archive and extract it to a desired directory on your server.Adjust the configuration by editing the app/config/parameters.yml file.

Application is written with Symfony and Doctrine on backend. Frontend uses jQuery and Vue.js.You need to have composer and NodeJS installed.
composer install

run the following command to drop, create the database and populate it with sample data.

php bin/console supla:dev:dropAndLoadFixtures -e dev
The user created by the fixtures is and the password is pass.

composer run-script webpack
The above command also generates a config file app/config/config_dev.yml required to run the application.

Enable application support of webpack dev server in your app/config/parameters.yml:

use_webpack_dev_server: true
And then run

cd src/Frontend && npm run dev

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