SUPLA server on shared host

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I am format Pi sd card and reflash it,change mysql setting as you mentioned and set email setting in parameters.yml file BUT now when I want to create a new account i get this error:
I think it can be better for me if I can register new user through mysql.
So please tell me what command needed to do this.
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Clear cache and check errors.
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Strange. Somewhere you made a mistake. Can you give me access to your host via teamviewer ?
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Fortunately, the problem was solved.
I had mistakenly used a 2GB SD card for RPi :x
When I Changed it with a 16GB one ,now it can send email like a charm :) :) :)
Please forgive me for all this trouble I've created for you.
Truly I would be grateful if you answer the two questions below:
1:is it possible to define new account without email address and through mysql ?think I have more than 20 sets of esp8266 board that i wish to control them through 20 separate android phone ,so I need to have at least 20 email address.maybe with mysql setup or another solution I can use one email and create 20 account.

2:The second question is actually the first post of the thread,how I can install SUPLA on a shared host or VPS ? I can't find any command or instruction for this.

Thanks and best wishes for your success ;)
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1. You can use just one account so you need one email address. Please click "Access Identifiers" and read help (?)
2. There is no any manual at this moment. We plan deploy some installer but this has small priority for us at this moment. If you give me some access to your VPS then I can install it for you.
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PS. You can use as well.
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1:Thanks.I did not know it.
2:This can be the best gift for me if you can install SUPLA on my own host.but I currently use a shared host and I'm waiting for SUPLA Arduino library ,so I can write my own sketch for ESP8266 board and then with my own IoT server I can be the king of IoT. :lol: :lol:
PS. You can use as well.
Yeah.currently I'm use for my sonoff smart switch 8-)
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Oh, the future king was faced with new problems. :lol:
My RPi server is up and running and i can access it through my browser but when i set the following parameter on my android phone it says conectiong... and then nothing happens!
server address: (also i test it with "raspberrypi")
access identifier:1

But with my account everything is good
Please tell me what is wrong?
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Dear pzygmunt I'm waiting for your reply!

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