I was quite busy last days as closing and preparing for annual vacation , handover and that headache, and still that not closed even.
I will try to test today or tomorrow maximum.
it's working fine and i can say it's one of the fastest Cloud based service i ever used With ESP8266 in the response and color change instantly not on color selector release.
BTW i notices that despite i used the same Board i have used in my first test but it recorded it self in the server with new GUID.
is GUID is generated by server side or it's calculated based on MAC address or ChipID of the ESP8266?
also in server side while edit and select the functionality of every channel why not to only restart the hardware once after finishing all changes only once , as now when i change every channel my hardware restarts , in real world this will makes for example lights flashes or appliances get on/Off instantly which is not desirable.
When you change something in configuration, system restarts all devices to reload configurations.
Usually it's not a problem because user don't need change configuration so often.
In the future this functionality will be improved.
pzygmunt wrote:By the way, could you record some video with RGB presentation and put it on YT ?
here is a small video but sorry for the bad setup and lighting , i just recorded it for just document it for my self
even before you requested to shoot a video.
and i just used a small part of 12V RGB LED strip and covered it by a tissue to avoid blur in the camera lens.