Varilight v-Pro Smart max brightness dropped.

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David C
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:28 pm


Two rooms have recently had the 100% brightness drop to a very low level. So 100% is not very bright.
Last night I adjusted the living room brightness via the config in the Supla app and that is now fine.
This morning I've noticed that bedroom 1 has done the same thing, but when I try to adjust the brightness in the app the level setting part is missing.
I think the app may have updated last night, so could be a bug.
I've tried to upload a screenshot, but it doesn't work, it says "Error - Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.". It is a small 28kb jpg.
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David C
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Hopefully this attachment works.

That is what the config page in the iPhone app looks like now.
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There is indeed a bug in the latest version for iOS. We apologize. We will try to prepare an update today, but the process of accepting the new version by Apple usually takes 1-3 days.
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David C
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:28 pm


Thank you. Managed to reset the brightness levels with the app on my Android tablet.

Doesn't explain why the lighting levels went low to start with, but back to normal brightness now.


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