Varilight disconnecting after 1 day

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Thank you for an update.
We are working on a solution which we will make to make available as an OTA update.
It would be great if we could push this pre-release update to your dimmer directly as your setup seems to replicate this issue consistently. Please let me know if you would be happy for us to do this. If yes please ether DM me or contact our customer services so you can provide us with necessary information such as Supla Cloud account email and unique GUID of the device.
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I have the same/similar issue. Recently purchased and installed. I have a 4 gang dimmer, managed to get 2 dimmers connected over 2 days (not living in the house currently)
Next dimmer is no longer flashing set up mode, 2nd one I connected, which was overly long and patchy to connect, now keeps disconnecting.
I will try the power cycle on the fuse board as suggested by OP. Hoping this update will resolve the disconnect issue.

Update, they both do keep disconnecting, 2nd more than the first. And I’m not in the house or using them.
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I have the same issue. i havr many of these wifi dimmers (over 15) and they all invariably disconnect and become unresponsive requiring a power cycle after a day or two.

The bulbs are mainly philips glow.

Can you advise on what diagnostics / tests i can perform to help you address this?

As it stands I have some very expensive “dumb” dimmers who perform worse than the normal varilight pros (responsiveness etc).

Thank you.

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Varilight has prepared a patch that probably solves this problem. They will contact you to provide you with a version to test.
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That would be fantastic.

Varilight- please feel free to email or phone.

Kind regards,
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@varilight support- can you please contact me re the update? I am losing patience with the pro wifis and am considering asking for a refund and returning to normal pros.

Many thanks,
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Hi John - I have this exact same issue.

I read online that sometimes the ESP chip get's 'bounced' off the wifi, but doesn't realise it, and therefore doesn't reconnect to the router, and the router just thinks it's gone AWOL. Tech speak that!

I have to periodically - never more than a week apart, turn off the lighting circuits (I have 4 vPro smart wifi dimmers in total)

In some ways, I wouldn't mind and would live with them now being dumb - except that the max brightness often goes a bit awry when in an offline state, so I have to reconnect it by doing a power cycle to resave the settings. Very annoying.

The one thing I would say is that the dimming quality is really good compared to other smart dimmers I have tried - although this is probably a compatibility issue with the GU10s that I current have (megaman)

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I am also experiencing this issue with one of my Varilight V-pro smart dimmers.

The dimmer that needs rebooted every few days has firmware version v2.8.42, and the dimmer that works fine has v2.8.52. So maybe they already have a fix for this issue in the latest firmware.

Is there a way to update the firmware on the dimmer to the latest version? I found but I can't find any information on how to actually do the firmware update.
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v2.8.52 does not yet include this fix. We are currently testing the unofficial version 2.8.55, which I can share with you if you send me
your email address of the account.

To update the dimmer, you need switch it to configuration mode by holding the knob min. for 5 sec. Then you need to connect to a WiFi network with a name starting with the phrase "SUPLA". After connecting to wifi, open and set "Firmware update" to YES. Finally, press the knob.
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Thanks for the info! I tried following your instructions using a local supla server I'm running, but it didn't work. (I've opened a ticket over on the supla-server github for that issue, as it's a bit off-topic for this thread

I did manage to update the firmware to 2.8.52 by connecting the device to It actually updated as soon as I added the device, I didn't need to go in and set firmware update to yes in the web interface.

And thanks for the offer of the dev version 2.8.55, but I'm happy to wait until the official version is finalised. Unless it would be helpful for you to have another tester?

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