Zamel device data feed

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Hi guys, I have a voltmeter from Zamel in my house. When I use the Supla app I can check the real time voltages being consumed by my household however they are not being logged anywhere. When I check the device's stats via the web browser it does not show me the real time data only the total consumption and the general stuff.

My thinking is that the data from the Zamel device has to be transmitted to some backend server somewhere from where my phone gets it (it's not over LAN - checked that). So this is a two part question:
1) If it is in the backend server, why is it not streamed to the web browser as well?
2) Is there any way to attach myself to this datafeed from my home computer/server via some API so that I could be polling this real time data every idk 20min or so, and create a local histogram for myself? If there is not a public API, is there some way to fork something from the Supla repo and start building on top of it?

Any ideas or thoughts are welcome. I am new to Supla and the community so if there is an obvious answer glaring here, Im sorry in advance :)

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For energy meters, only energy consumption is logged and stored on Supla server. Other parameters are send to server as well, however there is no history log for them.
The simplest solution for you is to enable MQTT broker here: and then use any tool you want which supports MQTT as well. It is very simple to integrate with Home Assistant.
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Thanks guys, Ill check that out!
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Right, I managed to connect to the MQTT via a python script using the paho-mqtt pip lib but no messages are coming through. What topic do I need to subscribe to? Or how do I get the data from the Zamel device?
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Subscribe supla/#

I suggest using the MQTT Explorer first.
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Great! Thanks, I used the explorer and it all made sense from there, I even got the script working. Cheers guys.

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