Supla lc technology relay

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Supla relay x4 lc technology

"compatible with x2 and x1 on models that have the 2 buttons S1 and S2"

4-channel relay and a DS18B20 temperature channel on Gpio2 (needs pullup 4,7kohm)

The module must always be in mode2 (Red LED D7 on) and we shut not press S1 mode1 (Blue LED D5 on).
If it is in mode1 (Blue LED D5 on) we have to press and hold S2 while connecting it to the power supply (mode2 Red LED D7 on).

green LED D6 status:
flashing = not connected or connecting
on = connected (normal operation)
off = WiFiConfig.

S2 button = WiFiConfig.

Status memory for power outages: if there is an interuption in the module power when restarting it will be in the state before the cut.
To access the WiFi configuration mode, press S2.
When in WiFi configuration mode, the device enters WiFi access point mode and the green LED D6 turns off.
- Log in to (registration is free) and Activate registration for new device.
- Connect to the WiFi called "Supla_LC4" from any device with wireless network and an Internet browser.
- Open the Page:
- Tap Configure WiFi.
- On the configuration page
- Select the Wi-Fi network at the top by pressing the appropriate one and then enter the password.
- enter the data to:
suplaServer (,
Email (registration email in supla),
Supla Device Name (name with which it will be seen in the cloud),
- To finish click on Save to save the configuration data.

Firmware update through the OTA web browser - http: // XX: 81 / update
xx = Device IP. For example
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Password: pass

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Location: El Saucejo - Sevilla


Added push button for local control on Gpio 0
Connect the button between Gpio 0 and Gnd
It allows toggle states of the 4 relays as follows:
click - relay 1
double click - relay 2
triple click - relay 3
long click - relay 4

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Some improvements.
Click time has been increased to 800ms.
The time for long press has been increased 500ms.

1 click = relay 1
2 click = relay 2
3 click = reley 3
4 click = relay 4

Long press (more than 500 ms):
if any of the relays is active = turn off all.
if there is no active relay = turn on all.

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mam kilka pytań odnośnie tegfo firmware:
czy można i jak skonfigurować samemu gpio?
ja sterować z aplikacji supla by przełączać przekaźniki np światła?
z góry dziękuję
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Location: El Saucejo - Sevilla


Maxio wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:23 pm can I configure gpio by myself?
I control from the supl application to switch relays eg lights?
there is no free Gpio and you cannot configure.
I guess you know that relays are controlled by Rx-Tx.
control from Supla App or cloud
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Hi elmaya,
i've recently gotten my hands on something similar (in attachment). The problem is, the primary chip governing the relays is a nuvoton n76e003at20, and as i understand it the ESP8266 on it provides just the wifi stuff.
Is it similar setup for the board you showed here? Can your firmware be somehow reused/adapted to cover my board too? I tried to figure out the pinology (:)), but looks like it's provided as-is without any additional data....
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the software is fully compatible
but you will only have 2 relay channels, disconnect the others in Supla cloud.
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Unfortunately work just once after flash. When i turn off and power again d6 led slowly blinking, relays doesn't respond.
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Location: El Saucejo - Sevilla


Flashing D6 = conecting WiFi
for some reason it does not connect to the WiFi network.
Is the WiFi network within range?
have you cleaned the flash memory before uploading?
have you used the correct parameters to upload?
access WiFiConfig "press S2" and check the data.
In these modules it is also important that the power supply has sufficient power.
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As for the source code, since there isn't anything for supla yet, i just found this:
and a little bit better explained here: ... ome/120594
Would be cool if it could be added to PrimaryGUI firmware, but i don't want to start new project atm :(

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