SBW 02 gate opener issue
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Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:13 am


Hello , I have a Zamel SBW-02 Gate opener for a 4 years now , from December 2024 it stop working from the 'Supla' app on iPhone. I entered in mySupla account from my laptop , and I see that the device is online. If I enter in the 'actions' and I click the OPEN/CLOSE icon it works, so the device is functional! I mention that I don't have sensors for the open/close state and I only use one relay .
In the Supla app when it still worked if I pushed the Open close button the phone vibrated once and the button has disappeared, now if I push the phone vibrates once but the button remains there.
The device software version is: 2.8.58, and my iPhone software is the latest .
I tried to delete and reinstall the app but it doesn't helped.
Can you please help me out with some advice, to solve the problem?
Thank you!
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Please send a screenshot of "About the program".
In the channel list, tap the (i) icon and also send a screenshot.
Please provide your iOS version and iPhone model.
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How many devices do you have in the app? Only SWB or something more?
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:13 am


Good morning ,
Thank you for your answer , I only have this SWB in the Supla app!
My phone model is : iPhone 12 Pro, and iOS version is 18.2.1.
In the attachment you will find the screenshots
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We are investigating this topic and it seems that iOS 18.2.1 has network issues. There are many reports online about various applications, including Apple applications. Try turning off WiFi and see how the application behaves only on GSM. Try turning off GSM and see if it works only on WiFi.

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