8 buttons and 8 relays in esp with hc595
- Posts: 134
- Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:12 am
I already have some PCBs made a long time ago, now I wanted to use another PCB for another project. why should an unused board lie if it can be used to switch on relays
- Posts: 1484
- Joined: Wed Jun 27, 2018 5:48 pm
- Location: El Saucejo - Sevilla
8 X 8 + NTC10k rewritten for the current Supla library.
6 bistable inputs and 2 monostable: Gpio2 and gpio1 "TX" are incompatible with bistable switches.
6 bistable inputs and 2 monostable: Gpio2 and gpio1 "TX" are incompatible with bistable switches.
Code: Select all
#define supla_lib_config_h_ // silences debug messages
#include "LittleFS.h"
#include <WiFiManager.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <ESP8266TrueRandom.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <DoubleResetDetector.h>
#include <ShiftRegister74HC595.h>
#include <SuplaDevice.h>
#include <supla/control/relay.h>
#include <supla/control/button.h>
#include <supla/sensor/NTC10K.h>
#include <supla/network/esp_wifi.h>
Supla::ESPWifi wifi("SSID", "PASS"); //------ Do not change----wifimanager takes care------
#define STORAGE_OFFSET 512
#include <supla/storage/eeprom.h>
Supla::Eeprom eeprom(STORAGE_OFFSET);
//#define D0 16 //no internal pullup resistor
//#define D1 5
//#define D2 4
//#define D3 0 //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot
//#define D4 2 //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot
//#define D5 14
//#define D6 12
//#define D7 13
//#define D8 15 //must not be pulled high during power on/reset
//#define RX 3 //High at boot
//#define TX 1 //must not be pulled low during power on/reset
char Supla_server[81] = ("Set server address");
char Email[81] = ("set email address");
char Supla_name[81] = ("Supla595");
char Router_SSID[32];
char Router_Pass[64];
char Supla_status[51];
bool shouldSaveConfig = false;
bool initialConfig = false;
int s;
byte uuidNumber[16];
int hc595outState[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
static const char logo[] PROGMEM = "<style>html{ background-color: #01DF3A;}</style><div class='s'><svg version='1.1' id='l' x='0' y='0' viewBox='0 0 200 200' xml:space='preserve'><path d='M59.3,2.5c18.1,0.6,31.8,8,40.2,23.5c3.1,5.7,4.3,11.9,4.1,18.3c-0.1,3.6-0.7,7.1-1.9,10.6c-0.2,0.7-0.1,1.1,0.6,1.5c12.8,7.7,25.5,15.4,38.3,23c2.9,1.7,5.8,3.4,8.7,5.3c1,0.6,1.6,0.6,2.5-0.1c4.5-3.6,9.8-5.3,15.7-5.4c12.5-0.1,22.9,7.9,25.2,19c1.9,9.2-2.9,19.2-11.8,23.9c-8.4,4.5-16.9,4.5-25.5,0.2c-0.7-0.3-1-0.2-1.5,0.3c-4.8,4.9-9.7,9.8-14.5,14.6c-5.3,5.3-10.6,10.7-15.9,16c-1.8,1.8-3.6,3.7-5.4,5.4c-0.7,0.6-0.6,1,0,1.6c3.6,3.4,5.8,7.5,6.2,12.2c0.7,7.7-2.2,14-8.8,18.5c-12.3,8.6-30.3,3.5-35-10.4c-2.8-8.4,0.6-17.7,8.6-22.8c0.9-0.6,1.1-1,0.8-2c-2-6.2-4.4-12.4-6.6-18.6c-6.3-17.6-12.7-35.1-19-52.7c-0.2-0.7-0.5-1-1.4-0.9c-12.5,0.7-23.6-2.6-33-10.4c-8-6.6-12.9-15-14.2-25c-1.5-11.5,1.7-21.9,9.6-30.7C32.5,8.9,42.2,4.2,53.7,2.7c0.7-0.1,1.5-0.2,2.2-0.2C57,2.4,58.2,2.5,59.3,2.5z M76.5,81c0,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6c1.6,6.3,3.2,12.6,4.7,18.9c4.5,17.7,8.9,35.5,13.3,53.2c0.2,0.9,0.6,1.1,1.6,0.9c5.4-1.2,10.7-0.8,15.7,1.6c0.8,0.4,1.2,0.3,1.7-0.4c11.2-12.9,22.5-25.7,33.4-38.7c0.5-0.6,0.4-1,0-1.6c-5.6-7.9-6.1-16.1-1.3-24.5c0.5-0.8,0.3-1.1-0.5-1.6c-9.1-4.7-18.1-9.3-27.2-14c-6.8-3.5-13.5-7-20.3-10.5c-0.7-0.4-1.1-0.3-1.6,0.4c-1.3,1.8-2.7,3.5-4.3,5.1c-4.2,4.2-9.1,7.4-14.7,9.7C76.9,80.3,76.4,80.3,76.5,81z M89,42.6c0.1-2.5-0.4-5.4-1.5-8.1C83,23.1,74.2,16.9,61.7,15.8c-10-0.9-18.6,2.4-25.3,9.7c-8.4,9-9.3,22.4-2.2,32.4c6.8,9.6,19.1,14.2,31.4,11.9C79.2,67.1,89,55.9,89,42.6z M102.1,188.6c0.6,0.1,1.5-0.1,2.4-0.2c9.5-1.4,15.3-10.9,11.6-19.2c-2.6-5.9-9.4-9.6-16.8-8.6c-8.3,1.2-14.1,8.9-12.4,16.6C88.2,183.9,94.4,188.6,102.1,188.6z M167.7,88.5c-1,0-2.1,0.1-3.1,0.3c-9,1.7-14.2,10.6-10.8,18.6c2.9,6.8,11.4,10.3,19,7.8c7.1-2.3,11.1-9.1,9.6-15.9C180.9,93,174.8,88.5,167.7,88.5z'/></svg>";
WiFiManager wifiManager;
// create shift register object (number of shift registers, data pin 14 on 74595, clock pin 11 on 74595, latch pin 12 on 74595)
ShiftRegister74HC595 sr (1, 15, 16, 0);
#define DRD_TIMEOUT 10 // Number of seconds after reset during which a subseqent reset will be considered a double reset.
#define DRD_ADDRESS 0 // RTC Memory Address for the DoubleResetDetector to use
DoubleResetDetector drd(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS);
class CustomControl : public Supla::Io {
void customDigitalWrite(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin, uint8_t val) {
if (pin > 99) {
sr.set(pin - 100, val);
hc595outState[pin - 100] = val;
else {
return ::digitalWrite(pin, val);
int customDigitalRead(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin) {
if (pin > 99) {
return hc595outState[pin - 100];
} else {
return ::digitalRead(pin);
} CustomControl;
void saveConfigCallback () {
Serial.println("Should save config");
shouldSaveConfig = true;
void ondemandwifiCallback () {
wifiManager.setDebugOutput(false); // Debug off
WiFiManagerParameter custom_Supla_server("server", "supla server", Supla_server, 81, "required");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_Email("email", "Email", Email, 81, "required");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_Supla_name("name", "Supla Device Name", Supla_name, 81, "required");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_id21("<div><h4> - Supla State - ");
WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_id22( Supla_status);
WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_id23( "</h4></div>");
std::vector<const char *> menu = {"wifi", "wifinoscan", "sep", "update", "sep", "info", "restart", "exit"};
if (!wifiManager.startConfigPortal("Supla595")) {
Serial.println("Not connected to WiFi but continuing anyway.");
} else {
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
strcpy(Supla_server, custom_Supla_server.getValue());
strcpy(Email, custom_Email.getValue());
strcpy(Supla_name, custom_Supla_name.getValue());
wifiManager.getWiFiSSID().toCharArray(Router_SSID, 33);
wifiManager.getWiFiPass().toCharArray(Router_Pass, 65);
if (strcmp(Supla_server, "get_new_guid_and_authkey") == 0) {
Serial.println("new guid & authkey.");
EEPROM.write(300, 0);
if (shouldSaveConfig == true) {
Serial.println(" config...");
DynamicJsonDocument json(1024);
json["Supla_server"] = Supla_server;
json["Email"] = Email;
json["Supla_name"] = Supla_name;
json["Router_SSID"] = Router_SSID;
json["Router_Pass"] = Router_Pass;
File configFile = LittleFS.open("/config.json", "w");
if (!configFile) {
Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing");
serializeJsonPretty(json, Serial);
serializeJson(json, configFile);
Serial.println("Config written successfully");
shouldSaveConfig = false;
initialConfig = false;
initialConfig = false;
void status_func(int status, const char *msg) {
if (s != status) {
s = status;
if (s != 10) {
strcpy(Supla_status, msg);
void guid_authkey(void) {
if (EEPROM.read(300) != 60) {
int eep_gui = 301;
String uuidString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int topDigit = uuidNumber[i] >> 4;
int bottomDigit = uuidNumber[i] & 0x0f;
uuidString += "0123456789abcdef"[topDigit];
uuidString += "0123456789abcdef"[bottomDigit];
int length_uuid = uuidString.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length_uuid; ++i) {
EEPROM.put(eep_gui + i, uuidString[i]);
int eep_aut = 341;
String uuidString2 = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int topDigit = uuidNumber[i] >> 4;
int bottomDigit = uuidNumber[i] & 0x0f;
uuidString2 += "0123456789abcdef"[topDigit];
uuidString2 += "0123456789abcdef"[bottomDigit];
int length_uuid2 = uuidString2.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length_uuid2; ++i) {
EEPROM.put(eep_aut + i, uuidString2[i]);
EEPROM.write(300, 60);
Serial.print("GUID : "); Serial.println(read_guid());
Serial.print("AUTHKEY : "); Serial.println(read_authkey());
String read_guid(void) {
String read_eeprom = "";
int i, ii = 0;
int eep_star = 301;
int end_guid = eep_star + SUPLA_GUID_SIZE;
String temp_read = "0x";
for (i = eep_star; i < end_guid + 16; i = i + 1) {
temp_read += char(EEPROM.read(i));
read_eeprom += char(EEPROM.read(i));
if ( (i % 2) == 0) {
char *_guid = strcpy((char*)malloc(temp_read.length() + 1), temp_read.c_str());
GUID[ii] = strtoul( _guid, NULL, 16);
temp_read = "0x";
return read_eeprom;
String read_authkey(void) {
String read_eeprom = "";
int i, ii = 0;
int eep_star = 341;
int end_authkey = eep_star + SUPLA_AUTHKEY_SIZE;
String temp_read = "0x";
for (i = eep_star; i < end_authkey + 16; i = i + 1) {
temp_read += char(EEPROM.read(i));
read_eeprom += char(EEPROM.read(i));
if ( (i % 2) == 0) {
char *_authkey = strcpy((char*)malloc(temp_read.length() + 1), temp_read.c_str());
AUTHKEY[ii] = strtoul( _authkey, NULL, 16);
temp_read = "0x";
return read_eeprom;
void setup() {
if (WiFi.SSID() == "") {
initialConfig = true;
if (EEPROM.read(300) != 60) {
initialConfig = true;
if (LittleFS.begin()) {
Serial.println("mounted file system");
if (LittleFS.exists("/config.json")) {
Serial.println("reading config file");
File configFile = LittleFS.open("/config.json", "r");
if (configFile) {
Serial.println("opened config file");
size_t size = configFile.size();
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]);
configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size);
DynamicJsonDocument json(1024);
DeserializationError deserializeError = deserializeJson(json, buf.get());
serializeJsonPretty(json, Serial);
if (!deserializeError) {
Serial.println("\nparsed json");
if (json.containsKey("Supla_server")) strcpy(Supla_server, json["Supla_server"]);
if (json.containsKey("Email")) strcpy(Email, json["Email"]);
if (json.containsKey("Supla_name")) strcpy(Supla_name, json["Supla_name"]);
if (json.containsKey("Router_SSID")) strcpy(Router_SSID, json["Router_SSID"]);
if (json.containsKey("Router_Pass")) strcpy(Router_Pass, json["Router_Pass"]);
} else {
Serial.println("failed to load json config");
initialConfig = true;
} else {
Serial.println("failed to mount FS");
if (drd.detectDoubleReset()) {
Serial.println("Double Reset Detected");
ondemandwifiCallback ();
if (initialConfig == true) {
auto relay_0 = new Supla::Control::Relay(100, true, 96);
//relay_0->keepTurnOnDuration(); //relay_0->setDefaultStateOff(); //relay_0->setDefaultStateOn(); //relay_0->setDefaultStateRestore();
auto relay_1 = new Supla::Control::Relay(101, true, 96);
auto relay_2 = new Supla::Control::Relay(102, true, 96);
auto relay_3 = new Supla::Control::Relay(103, true, 96);
auto relay_4 = new Supla::Control::Relay(104, true, 96);
auto relay_5 = new Supla::Control::Relay(105, true, 96);
auto relay_6 = new Supla::Control::Relay(106, true, 96);
auto relay_7 = new Supla::Control::Relay(107, true, 96);
auto Button_0 = new Supla::Control::Button(5, true, true); // Button on pin XX with internal pullUp // and LOW is considered as "pressed" state
auto Button_1 = new Supla::Control::Button(4, true, true);
auto Button_2 = new Supla::Control::Button(2, true, true);
auto Button_3 = new Supla::Control::Button(14, true, true);
auto Button_4 = new Supla::Control::Button(12, true, true);
auto Button_5 = new Supla::Control::Button(13, true, true);
auto Button_6 = new Supla::Control::Button(3, true, true);
auto Button_7 = new Supla::Control::Button(1, true, true);
Button_0->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_0, Supla::ON_CHANGE); // Biestable
Button_1->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_1, Supla::ON_CHANGE);
Button_2->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_2, Supla::ON_PRESS); // Monoestable
Button_3->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_3, Supla::ON_CHANGE);
Button_4->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_4, Supla::ON_CHANGE);
Button_5->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_5, Supla::ON_CHANGE);
Button_6->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_6, Supla::ON_CHANGE);
Button_7->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_7, Supla::ON_PRESS);
new Supla::Sensor::NTC10K(A0);
SuplaDevice.begin(GUID, Supla_server, Email, AUTHKEY);
void loop() {
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- Posts: 134
- Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:12 am
elmaya wrote: Tue Sep 07, 2021 10:06 am 8 X 8 + NTC10k rewritten for the current Supla library.
6 bistable inputs and 2 monostable: Gpio2 and gpio1 "TX" are incompatible with bistable switches.
Code: Select all
#define supla_lib_config_h_ // silences debug messages #include "LittleFS.h" #include <WiFiManager.h> #include <EEPROM.h> #include <ESP8266TrueRandom.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <DoubleResetDetector.h> #include <ShiftRegister74HC595.h> #include <SuplaDevice.h> #include <supla/control/relay.h> #include <supla/control/button.h> #include <supla/sensor/NTC10K.h> #include <supla/network/esp_wifi.h> Supla::ESPWifi wifi("SSID", "PASS"); //------ Do not change----wifimanager takes care------ #define STORAGE_OFFSET 512 #include <supla/storage/eeprom.h> Supla::Eeprom eeprom(STORAGE_OFFSET); //#define D0 16 //no internal pullup resistor //#define D1 5 //#define D2 4 //#define D3 0 //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot //#define D4 2 //must not be pulled low during power on/reset, toggles value during boot //#define D5 14 //#define D6 12 //#define D7 13 //#define D8 15 //must not be pulled high during power on/reset //#define RX 3 //High at boot //#define TX 1 //must not be pulled low during power on/reset char Supla_server[81] = ("Set server address"); char Email[81] = ("set email address"); char Supla_name[81] = ("Supla595"); char Router_SSID[32]; char Router_Pass[64]; char Supla_status[51]; bool shouldSaveConfig = false; bool initialConfig = false; int s; char GUID[SUPLA_GUID_SIZE]; char AUTHKEY[SUPLA_AUTHKEY_SIZE]; byte uuidNumber[16]; int hc595outState[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; static const char logo[] PROGMEM = "<style>html{ background-color: #01DF3A;}</style><div class='s'><svg version='1.1' id='l' x='0' y='0' viewBox='0 0 200 200' xml:space='preserve'><path d='M59.3,2.5c18.1,0.6,31.8,8,40.2,23.5c3.1,5.7,4.3,11.9,4.1,18.3c-0.1,3.6-0.7,7.1-1.9,10.6c-0.2,0.7-0.1,1.1,0.6,1.5c12.8,7.7,25.5,15.4,38.3,23c2.9,1.7,5.8,3.4,8.7,5.3c1,0.6,1.6,0.6,2.5-0.1c4.5-3.6,9.8-5.3,15.7-5.4c12.5-0.1,22.9,7.9,25.2,19c1.9,9.2-2.9,19.2-11.8,23.9c-8.4,4.5-16.9,4.5-25.5,0.2c-0.7-0.3-1-0.2-1.5,0.3c-4.8,4.9-9.7,9.8-14.5,14.6c-5.3,5.3-10.6,10.7-15.9,16c-1.8,1.8-3.6,3.7-5.4,5.4c-0.7,0.6-0.6,1,0,1.6c3.6,3.4,5.8,7.5,6.2,12.2c0.7,7.7-2.2,14-8.8,18.5c-12.3,8.6-30.3,3.5-35-10.4c-2.8-8.4,0.6-17.7,8.6-22.8c0.9-0.6,1.1-1,0.8-2c-2-6.2-4.4-12.4-6.6-18.6c-6.3-17.6-12.7-35.1-19-52.7c-0.2-0.7-0.5-1-1.4-0.9c-12.5,0.7-23.6-2.6-33-10.4c-8-6.6-12.9-15-14.2-25c-1.5-11.5,1.7-21.9,9.6-30.7C32.5,8.9,42.2,4.2,53.7,2.7c0.7-0.1,1.5-0.2,2.2-0.2C57,2.4,58.2,2.5,59.3,2.5z M76.5,81c0,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6c1.6,6.3,3.2,12.6,4.7,18.9c4.5,17.7,8.9,35.5,13.3,53.2c0.2,0.9,0.6,1.1,1.6,0.9c5.4-1.2,10.7-0.8,15.7,1.6c0.8,0.4,1.2,0.3,1.7-0.4c11.2-12.9,22.5-25.7,33.4-38.7c0.5-0.6,0.4-1,0-1.6c-5.6-7.9-6.1-16.1-1.3-24.5c0.5-0.8,0.3-1.1-0.5-1.6c-9.1-4.7-18.1-9.3-27.2-14c-6.8-3.5-13.5-7-20.3-10.5c-0.7-0.4-1.1-0.3-1.6,0.4c-1.3,1.8-2.7,3.5-4.3,5.1c-4.2,4.2-9.1,7.4-14.7,9.7C76.9,80.3,76.4,80.3,76.5,81z M89,42.6c0.1-2.5-0.4-5.4-1.5-8.1C83,23.1,74.2,16.9,61.7,15.8c-10-0.9-18.6,2.4-25.3,9.7c-8.4,9-9.3,22.4-2.2,32.4c6.8,9.6,19.1,14.2,31.4,11.9C79.2,67.1,89,55.9,89,42.6z M102.1,188.6c0.6,0.1,1.5-0.1,2.4-0.2c9.5-1.4,15.3-10.9,11.6-19.2c-2.6-5.9-9.4-9.6-16.8-8.6c-8.3,1.2-14.1,8.9-12.4,16.6C88.2,183.9,94.4,188.6,102.1,188.6z M167.7,88.5c-1,0-2.1,0.1-3.1,0.3c-9,1.7-14.2,10.6-10.8,18.6c2.9,6.8,11.4,10.3,19,7.8c7.1-2.3,11.1-9.1,9.6-15.9C180.9,93,174.8,88.5,167.7,88.5z'/></svg>"; WiFiManager wifiManager; // create shift register object (number of shift registers, data pin 14 on 74595, clock pin 11 on 74595, latch pin 12 on 74595) ShiftRegister74HC595 sr (1, 15, 16, 0); #define DRD_TIMEOUT 10 // Number of seconds after reset during which a subseqent reset will be considered a double reset. #define DRD_ADDRESS 0 // RTC Memory Address for the DoubleResetDetector to use DoubleResetDetector drd(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS); class CustomControl : public Supla::Io { public: void customDigitalWrite(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin, uint8_t val) { if (pin > 99) { sr.set(pin - 100, val); hc595outState[pin - 100] = val; } else { return ::digitalWrite(pin, val); } } int customDigitalRead(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin) { if (pin > 99) { return hc595outState[pin - 100]; } else { return ::digitalRead(pin); } } } CustomControl; void saveConfigCallback () { Serial.println("Should save config"); shouldSaveConfig = true; } void ondemandwifiCallback () { wifiManager.setDebugOutput(false); // Debug off WiFiManagerParameter custom_Supla_server("server", "supla server", Supla_server, 81, "required"); WiFiManagerParameter custom_Email("email", "Email", Email, 81, "required"); WiFiManagerParameter custom_Supla_name("name", "Supla Device Name", Supla_name, 81, "required"); WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_id21("<div><h4> - Supla State - "); WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_id22( Supla_status); WiFiManagerParameter custom_html_id23( "</h4></div>"); wifiManager.setBreakAfterConfig(true); wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); wifiManager.setConfigPortalBlocking(true); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_Supla_server); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_Email); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_Supla_name); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_html_id21); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_html_id22); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_html_id23); wifiManager.setCustomHeadElement(logo); wifiManager.setMinimumSignalQuality(8); wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(300); std::vector<const char *> menu = {"wifi", "wifinoscan", "sep", "update", "sep", "info", "restart", "exit"}; wifiManager.setMenu(menu); wifiManager.setTitle("By..ElMaya"); if (!wifiManager.startConfigPortal("Supla595")) { Serial.println("Not connected to WiFi but continuing anyway."); } else { Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); } strcpy(Supla_server, custom_Supla_server.getValue()); strcpy(Email, custom_Email.getValue()); strcpy(Supla_name, custom_Supla_name.getValue()); wifiManager.getWiFiSSID().toCharArray(Router_SSID, 33); wifiManager.getWiFiPass().toCharArray(Router_Pass, 65); if (strcmp(Supla_server, "get_new_guid_and_authkey") == 0) { Serial.println("new guid & authkey."); EEPROM.write(300, 0); EEPROM.commit(); delay(100); ESP.reset(); } if (shouldSaveConfig == true) { Serial.println(" config..."); DynamicJsonDocument json(1024); json["Supla_server"] = Supla_server; json["Email"] = Email; json["Supla_name"] = Supla_name; json["Router_SSID"] = Router_SSID; json["Router_Pass"] = Router_Pass; File configFile = LittleFS.open("/config.json", "w"); if (!configFile) { Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing"); } serializeJsonPretty(json, Serial); serializeJson(json, configFile); configFile.close(); Serial.println("Config written successfully"); shouldSaveConfig = false; initialConfig = false; WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); delay(5000); ESP.restart(); } WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); initialConfig = false; } void status_func(int status, const char *msg) { if (s != status) { s = status; if (s != 10) { strcpy(Supla_status, msg); } } } void guid_authkey(void) { if (EEPROM.read(300) != 60) { int eep_gui = 301; ESP8266TrueRandom.uuid(uuidNumber); String uuidString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int topDigit = uuidNumber[i] >> 4; int bottomDigit = uuidNumber[i] & 0x0f; uuidString += "0123456789abcdef"[topDigit]; uuidString += "0123456789abcdef"[bottomDigit]; } int length_uuid = uuidString.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length_uuid; ++i) { EEPROM.put(eep_gui + i, uuidString[i]); } int eep_aut = 341; ESP8266TrueRandom.uuid(uuidNumber); String uuidString2 = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { int topDigit = uuidNumber[i] >> 4; int bottomDigit = uuidNumber[i] & 0x0f; uuidString2 += "0123456789abcdef"[topDigit]; uuidString2 += "0123456789abcdef"[bottomDigit]; } int length_uuid2 = uuidString2.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length_uuid2; ++i) { EEPROM.put(eep_aut + i, uuidString2[i]); } EEPROM.write(300, 60); EEPROM.commit(); delay(0); } read_guid(); read_authkey(); Serial.print("GUID : "); Serial.println(read_guid()); Serial.print("AUTHKEY : "); Serial.println(read_authkey()); } String read_guid(void) { String read_eeprom = ""; int i, ii = 0; int eep_star = 301; int end_guid = eep_star + SUPLA_GUID_SIZE; String temp_read = "0x"; for (i = eep_star; i < end_guid + 16; i = i + 1) { temp_read += char(EEPROM.read(i)); read_eeprom += char(EEPROM.read(i)); if ( (i % 2) == 0) { char *_guid = strcpy((char*)malloc(temp_read.length() + 1), temp_read.c_str()); GUID[ii] = strtoul( _guid, NULL, 16); temp_read = "0x"; ii++; } } return read_eeprom; } String read_authkey(void) { String read_eeprom = ""; int i, ii = 0; int eep_star = 341; int end_authkey = eep_star + SUPLA_AUTHKEY_SIZE; String temp_read = "0x"; for (i = eep_star; i < end_authkey + 16; i = i + 1) { temp_read += char(EEPROM.read(i)); read_eeprom += char(EEPROM.read(i)); if ( (i % 2) == 0) { char *_authkey = strcpy((char*)malloc(temp_read.length() + 1), temp_read.c_str()); AUTHKEY[ii] = strtoul( _authkey, NULL, 16); temp_read = "0x"; ii++; } } return read_eeprom; } void setup() { EEPROM.begin(1024); if (WiFi.SSID() == "") { initialConfig = true; } if (EEPROM.read(300) != 60) { initialConfig = true; } guid_authkey(); if (LittleFS.begin()) { Serial.println("mounted file system"); if (LittleFS.exists("/config.json")) { Serial.println("reading config file"); File configFile = LittleFS.open("/config.json", "r"); if (configFile) { Serial.println("opened config file"); size_t size = configFile.size(); std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]); configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size); DynamicJsonDocument json(1024); DeserializationError deserializeError = deserializeJson(json, buf.get()); serializeJsonPretty(json, Serial); if (!deserializeError) { Serial.println("\nparsed json"); if (json.containsKey("Supla_server")) strcpy(Supla_server, json["Supla_server"]); if (json.containsKey("Email")) strcpy(Email, json["Email"]); if (json.containsKey("Supla_name")) strcpy(Supla_name, json["Supla_name"]); if (json.containsKey("Router_SSID")) strcpy(Router_SSID, json["Router_SSID"]); if (json.containsKey("Router_Pass")) strcpy(Router_Pass, json["Router_Pass"]); } else { Serial.println("failed to load json config"); initialConfig = true; } configFile.close(); } } } else { Serial.println("failed to mount FS"); } wifi_station_set_hostname(Supla_name); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); if (drd.detectDoubleReset()) { Serial.println("Double Reset Detected"); ondemandwifiCallback (); } if (initialConfig == true) { ondemandwifiCallback(); } auto relay_0 = new Supla::Control::Relay(100, true, 96); relay_0->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); //relay_0->keepTurnOnDuration(); //relay_0->setDefaultStateOff(); //relay_0->setDefaultStateOn(); //relay_0->setDefaultStateRestore(); auto relay_1 = new Supla::Control::Relay(101, true, 96); relay_1->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto relay_2 = new Supla::Control::Relay(102, true, 96); relay_2->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto relay_3 = new Supla::Control::Relay(103, true, 96); relay_3->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto relay_4 = new Supla::Control::Relay(104, true, 96); relay_4->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto relay_5 = new Supla::Control::Relay(105, true, 96); relay_5->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto relay_6 = new Supla::Control::Relay(106, true, 96); relay_6->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto relay_7 = new Supla::Control::Relay(107, true, 96); relay_7->getChannel()->setDefault(SUPLA_CHANNELFNC_POWERSWITCH); auto Button_0 = new Supla::Control::Button(5, true, true); // Button on pin XX with internal pullUp // and LOW is considered as "pressed" state auto Button_1 = new Supla::Control::Button(4, true, true); auto Button_2 = new Supla::Control::Button(2, true, true); auto Button_3 = new Supla::Control::Button(14, true, true); auto Button_4 = new Supla::Control::Button(12, true, true); auto Button_5 = new Supla::Control::Button(13, true, true); auto Button_6 = new Supla::Control::Button(3, true, true); auto Button_7 = new Supla::Control::Button(1, true, true); Button_0->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_0, Supla::ON_CHANGE); // Biestable Button_1->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_1, Supla::ON_CHANGE); Button_2->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_2, Supla::ON_PRESS); // Monoestable Button_3->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_3, Supla::ON_CHANGE); Button_4->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_4, Supla::ON_CHANGE); Button_5->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_5, Supla::ON_CHANGE); Button_6->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_6, Supla::ON_CHANGE); Button_7->addAction(Supla::TOGGLE, relay_7, Supla::ON_PRESS); new Supla::Sensor::NTC10K(A0); SuplaDevice.setName(Supla_name); SuplaDevice.setStatusFuncImpl(&status_func); wifi.enableSSL(false); wifi.setSsid(Router_SSID); wifi.setPassword(Router_Pass); SuplaDevice.begin(GUID, Supla_server, Email, AUTHKEY); } void loop() { drd.loop(); SuplaDevice.iterate(); delay(25); }
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- Posts: 47
- Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:36 pm
how did a friend make such a cool plate?
jak zrobił kolega taką fajną płytkę ?
jak zrobił kolega taką fajną płytkę ?
Une enquГЄte terminГ©e sans affecter la qualitГ© de vie propriГ©tГ©s musculaires cardiaques, pulmonaires et sanguines..
- Posts: 134
- Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2019 7:12 am
if you want to solder it yourself, I can provide gerberas, I did not draw the diagram
jeśli chcesz sam taką polutować to mogę udostępnić gerbery, schematu nie rysowałem
Last edited by piotrekk on Wed Feb 23, 2022 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 47
- Joined: Mon Dec 28, 2020 12:36 pm
Piotr, please share the files, thank you
Une enquГЄte terminГ©e sans affecter la qualitГ© de vie propriГ©tГ©s musculaires cardiaques, pulmonaires et sanguines..
- Posts: 52
- Joined: Tue Jan 03, 2023 10:29 am
elmaya wrote: Fri Jan 25, 2019 6:53 pm 16 push button, 16 relay
GPIO5 /D1 Switching_Relay_Button Channel 1- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPIO4 /D2 Switching_Relay_Button Channel 2- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPIO2 /D4 Switching_Relay_Button Channel 3- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPI14 /D5 Switching_Relay_Button Channel 4- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPIO12/D6 Switching_Relay_Button Channel 5- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPIO13/D7 Switching_Relay_Button Channel 6- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPIO3 /RX Switching_Relay_Button Channel 7- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
GPIO1 /TX Switching_Relay_Button Channel 8- On the port must be pull-up. Active - connect to GND
Channel 9 to 16 A0 with resistive divider 8 x 1kohm
GPIO15/D8 shift registers, data pin 14 on 74595
GPIO16/D0 shift registers, clock pin 11 on 74595
GPIO0 /D3 shift registers, latch pin 12 on 74595
fisrt shift registers Q7´pin 9 ,to second shift registers data pin 14
Initial parameters for "ESP Falsh Download Tool":Code: Select all
#include <FS.h> // ---- esp board manager 2.4.2 --- iwip Variant V2 higher Bandwidth #include <ShiftRegister74HC595.h> //https://github.com/Simsso/ShiftRegister74HC595 #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #define SUPLADEVICE_CPP #include <SuplaDevice.h> ShiftRegister74HC595 sr (2, 15, 16, 0); // create shift register object (number of shift registers, data pin 14 on 74595, clock pin 11 on 74595, latch pin 12 on 74595) #include <math.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <DNSServer.h> #include <WiFiManager.h> //--------- https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/tree/0.14 ------------- #include <ArduinoJson.h> //--------- https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson/tree/v5.13.2 ------ #include <EEPROM.h> #include <DoubleResetDetector.h> extern "C" { #include "user_interface.h" } #define DRD_TIMEOUT 30 // Number of seconds after reset during which a subseqent reset will be considered a double reset. #define DRD_ADDRESS 0 // RTC Memory Address for the DoubleResetDetector to use DoubleResetDetector drd(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS); int uno = 1; bool eep = LOW; // ---------------- Eeprom ------------------ bool startEeprom = true; // ---------------- Eeprom ------------------ int epr = 0; // ----------- Eepron read loops ------------ int s; // ---------------- Status ------------------ int an; int buttonValue = 0; unsigned long svr_update = 1800000; //mean time between update 30 minutes unsigned long svr_update_lasttime; //last time update unsigned long wifi_checkDelay = 60000; // wifi reconect delay unsigned long wifimilis; unsigned long eep_milis; unsigned long an_milis; #define BEGIN_PIN 100 #define BTN_COUNT 16 WiFiClient client; char Supla_server[40]; char Location_id[15]; char Location_Pass[20]; byte mac[6]; //flag for saving data bool shouldSaveConfig = false; bool initialConfig = false; int timeout = 120; // seconds to run for wifi config void saveConfigCallback () { //callback notifying us of the need to save config Serial.println("Should save config"); shouldSaveConfig = true; } void ondemandwifiCallback () { WiFiManagerParameter custom_Supla_server("server", "supla server", Supla_server, 40); WiFiManagerParameter custom_Location_id("ID", "Location_id", Location_id, 15); WiFiManagerParameter custom_Location_Pass("Password", "Location_Pass", Location_Pass, 20); WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.setSaveConfigCallback(saveConfigCallback); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_Supla_server); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_Location_id); wifiManager.addParameter(&custom_Location_Pass); wifiManager.setCustomHeadElement("<style>html{ background-color: #01DF3A;}</style><div class='s'><svg version='1.1' id='l' x='0' y='0' viewBox='0 0 200 200' xml:space='preserve'><path d='M59.3,2.5c18.1,0.6,31.8,8,40.2,23.5c3.1,5.7,4.3,11.9,4.1,18.3c-0.1,3.6-0.7,7.1-1.9,10.6c-0.2,0.7-0.1,1.1,0.6,1.5c12.8,7.7,25.5,15.4,38.3,23c2.9,1.7,5.8,3.4,8.7,5.3c1,0.6,1.6,0.6,2.5-0.1c4.5-3.6,9.8-5.3,15.7-5.4c12.5-0.1,22.9,7.9,25.2,19c1.9,9.2-2.9,19.2-11.8,23.9c-8.4,4.5-16.9,4.5-25.5,0.2c-0.7-0.3-1-0.2-1.5,0.3c-4.8,4.9-9.7,9.8-14.5,14.6c-5.3,5.3-10.6,10.7-15.9,16c-1.8,1.8-3.6,3.7-5.4,5.4c-0.7,0.6-0.6,1,0,1.6c3.6,3.4,5.8,7.5,6.2,12.2c0.7,7.7-2.2,14-8.8,18.5c-12.3,8.6-30.3,3.5-35-10.4c-2.8-8.4,0.6-17.7,8.6-22.8c0.9-0.6,1.1-1,0.8-2c-2-6.2-4.4-12.4-6.6-18.6c-6.3-17.6-12.7-35.1-19-52.7c-0.2-0.7-0.5-1-1.4-0.9c-12.5,0.7-23.6-2.6-33-10.4c-8-6.6-12.9-15-14.2-25c-1.5-11.5,1.7-21.9,9.6-30.7C32.5,8.9,42.2,4.2,53.7,2.7c0.7-0.1,1.5-0.2,2.2-0.2C57,2.4,58.2,2.5,59.3,2.5z M76.5,81c0,0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1,0.6c1.6,6.3,3.2,12.6,4.7,18.9c4.5,17.7,8.9,35.5,13.3,53.2c0.2,0.9,0.6,1.1,1.6,0.9c5.4-1.2,10.7-0.8,15.7,1.6c0.8,0.4,1.2,0.3,1.7-0.4c11.2-12.9,22.5-25.7,33.4-38.7c0.5-0.6,0.4-1,0-1.6c-5.6-7.9-6.1-16.1-1.3-24.5c0.5-0.8,0.3-1.1-0.5-1.6c-9.1-4.7-18.1-9.3-27.2-14c-6.8-3.5-13.5-7-20.3-10.5c-0.7-0.4-1.1-0.3-1.6,0.4c-1.3,1.8-2.7,3.5-4.3,5.1c-4.2,4.2-9.1,7.4-14.7,9.7C76.9,80.3,76.4,80.3,76.5,81z M89,42.6c0.1-2.5-0.4-5.4-1.5-8.1C83,23.1,74.2,16.9,61.7,15.8c-10-0.9-18.6,2.4-25.3,9.7c-8.4,9-9.3,22.4-2.2,32.4c6.8,9.6,19.1,14.2,31.4,11.9C79.2,67.1,89,55.9,89,42.6z M102.1,188.6c0.6,0.1,1.5-0.1,2.4-0.2c9.5-1.4,15.3-10.9,11.6-19.2c-2.6-5.9-9.4-9.6-16.8-8.6c-8.3,1.2-14.1,8.9-12.4,16.6C88.2,183.9,94.4,188.6,102.1,188.6z M167.7,88.5c-1,0-2.1,0.1-3.1,0.3c-9,1.7-14.2,10.6-10.8,18.6c2.9,6.8,11.4,10.3,19,7.8c7.1-2.3,11.1-9.1,9.6-15.9C180.9,93,174.8,88.5,167.7,88.5z'/></svg>"); wifiManager.setMinimumSignalQuality(); wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(timeout); if (!wifiManager.startConfigPortal("Supla16x16")) { Serial.println("failed to connect and hit timeout"); delay(3000); ESP.restart(); delay(5000); } Serial.println("connected...yeey :)"); strcpy(Supla_server, custom_Supla_server.getValue()); strcpy(Location_id, custom_Location_id.getValue()); strcpy(Location_Pass, custom_Location_Pass.getValue()); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); // close AP } typedef struct { //------------------------------------------- BTN ---------------------------------------------------- int pin; int relay_pin; int channel; char last_val; int ms; unsigned long last_time; bool mem; } _btn_t; _btn_t btn[BTN_COUNT]; void supla_timer() { char v; unsigned long now = millis(); { for(int a=0;a<BTN_COUNT;a++) if (btn[a].pin > 0) { v = digitalRead(btn[a].pin); if (v != btn[a].last_val && now - btn[a].last_time ) { btn[a].last_val = v; btn[a].last_time = now; if (v==0) { if ( btn[a].ms > 0 ) { SuplaDevice.relayOn(btn[a].channel, btn[a].ms); Serial.println(" monostable"); } else { if ( (btn[a].mem) == 1 ) { // ----------------- == 1 if channel is false... == 0 if channel is true ----------------------- SuplaDevice.relayOff(btn[a].channel); Serial.print("BTN Switsh off relay "); Serial.println(btn[a].relay_pin); } else { SuplaDevice.relayOn(btn[a].channel, 0); Serial.print("BTN Switsh on relay "); Serial.println(btn[a].relay_pin); } } }} } } } void supla_btn_init() { for(int a=0;a<BTN_COUNT;a++) if (btn[a].pin > 0) { pinMode(btn[a].pin, INPUT_PULLUP); btn[a].last_val = digitalRead(btn[a].pin); btn[a].last_time = millis(); } } int supla_DigitalRead(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin) { if (channelNumber == 0){ if (btn[0].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 1){ if (btn[1].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 2){ if (btn[2].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 3){ if (btn[3].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 4){ if (btn[4].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 5){ if (btn[5].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 6){ if (btn[6].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 7){ if (btn[7].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 8){ if (btn[8].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 9){ if (btn[9].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 10){ if (btn[10].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 11){ if (btn[11].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 12){ if (btn[12].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 13){ if (btn[13].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 14){ if (btn[14].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } if (channelNumber == 15){ if (btn[15].mem ==0) return 0; else return 1; } } void suplaDigitalWrite(int channelNumber, uint8_t pin, uint8_t val) { //------------------------------------------------ Virtual ---------------------------- if (channelNumber == 0){ btn[0].mem =val; sr.set(0, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 1){ btn[1].mem =val; sr.set(1, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 2){ btn[2].mem =val; sr.set(2, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 3){ btn[3].mem =val; sr.set(3, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 4){ btn[4].mem =val; sr.set(4, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 5){ btn[5].mem =val; sr.set(5, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 6){ btn[6].mem =val; sr.set(6, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 7){ btn[7].mem =val; sr.set(7, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 8){ btn[8].mem =val; sr.set(8, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 9){ btn[9].mem =val; sr.set(9, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 10){ btn[10].mem =val; sr.set(10, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 11){ btn[11].mem =val; sr.set(11, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 12){ btn[12].mem =val; sr.set(12, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 13){ btn[13].mem =val; sr.set(13, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 14){ btn[14].mem =val; sr.set(14, val); // set single pin } if (channelNumber == 15){ btn[15].mem =val; sr.set(15, val); // set single pin } return; } void Eeprom_save() { //----------EEPROM write ---------------------- EEprom if (startEeprom == true){ // ----- don't change memorized state until connected and restored all the channels return; } for(int i=0;i<BTN_COUNT;i++) { // ---check relay except it have delay (staircase) if ( btn[i].ms > 0 ) { continue; } else { eep = (btn[i].mem); // --- read relay state if (eep != EEPROM.read(i)){ // --- compare relay state with memorized state EEPROM.write(i,eep); // --- if different write memory Serial.print("EEPROM."); Serial.print(i); Serial.print(" write."); Serial.println((eep)); Serial.print(" channel "); Serial.println((btn[i].channel)); EEPROM.commit(); } } } } void Eepron_read() { //----------EEPROM read ---------------------- EEprom // for(int i=0;i<BTN_COUNT;i++){ // ---check relay except der have delay (staircase) //if ( (btn[i].ms) > 0 ) { // continue; // } else { eep = EEPROM.read(epr); // ---read relay state Serial.print("EEPROM."); Serial.print(epr); Serial.print(" read."); Serial.println((eep)); Serial.print(" channel "); Serial.println((btn[epr].channel)); if (eep == HIGH){ // --- if 1 send relay on SuplaDevice.relayOn(epr, 0); // --- only one channel in each pass } if (epr == (BTN_COUNT-1)) { startEeprom = false; // --- once finished we do not need more } } void status_func(int status, const char *msg) { // ------------------------ Status -------------------------- s=status; // -- to check if we are registered and ready before restore from memory } void setup() { //------------------------------------------------ Setup ---------------------------------------------- wifi_set_sleep_type(NONE_SLEEP_T); Serial.begin(115200); EEPROM.begin(512); if (drd.detectDoubleReset()) { Serial.println("Double Reset Detected"); ondemandwifiCallback (); } else { Serial.println("No Double Reset Detected"); } if (WiFi.SSID()==""){ //Serial.println("We haven't got any access point credentials, so get them now"); initialConfig = true; } Serial.println("mounting FS..."); if (SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("mounted file system"); if (SPIFFS.exists("/config.json")) { Serial.println("reading config file"); File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "r"); if (configFile) { Serial.println("opened config file"); size_t size = configFile.size(); std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]); configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size); DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get()); //json.printTo(Serial); //print config data to serial on startup if (json.success()) { Serial.println("\nparsed json"); strcpy(Supla_server, json["Supla_server"]); strcpy(Location_id, json["Location_id"]); strcpy(Location_Pass, json["Location_Pass"]); } else { Serial.println("failed to load json config"); } } } } else { Serial.println("failed to mount FS"); } WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); uint8_t mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; WiFi.macAddress(mac); char GUID[SUPLA_GUID_SIZE] = {mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 6], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 5], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 4], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 3], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 2], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 2], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 3], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 4], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 5], mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 6]}; SuplaDevice.addRelay(101, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(102, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(103, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(104, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(105, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(106, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(107, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(108, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(109, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(110, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(111, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(112, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(113, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(114, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(115, false); SuplaDevice.addRelay(116, false); memset(btn, 0, sizeof(btn)); btn[0].pin =5; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[0].relay_pin =101; // pin gpio Relay btn[0].channel =0; // channel btn[0].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[0].mem =0; btn[1].pin =4; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[1].relay_pin =102; // pin gpio Relay btn[1].channel =1; // channel btn[1].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[1].mem =0; btn[2].pin =2; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[2].relay_pin =103; // pin gpio Relay btn[2].channel =2; // channel btn[2].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[2].mem =0; btn[3].pin =14; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[3].relay_pin =104; // pin gpio Relay btn[3].channel =3; // channel btn[3].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[3].mem =0; btn[4].pin =12; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[4].relay_pin =105; // pin gpio Relay btn[4].channel =4; // channel btn[4].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[4].mem =0; btn[5].pin =13; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[5].relay_pin =106; // pin gpio Relay btn[5].channel =5; // channel btn[5].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[5].mem =0; btn[6].pin =3; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[6].relay_pin =107; // pin gpio Relay btn[6].channel =6; // channel btn[6].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[6].mem =0; btn[7].pin =1; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[7].relay_pin =108; // pin gpio Relay btn[7].channel =7; // channel btn[7].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[7].mem =0; btn[8].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[8].relay_pin =109; // pin gpio Relay btn[8].channel =8; // channel btn[8].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[8].mem =0; btn[9].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[9].relay_pin =110; // pin gpio Relay btn[9].channel =9; // channel btn[9].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[9].mem =0; btn[10].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[10].relay_pin =111; // pin gpio Relay btn[10].channel =10; // channel btn[10].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[10].mem =0; btn[11].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[11].relay_pin =112; // pin gpio Relay btn[11].channel =11; // channel btn[11].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[11].mem =0; btn[12].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[12].relay_pin =113; // pin gpio Relay btn[12].channel =12; // channel btn[12].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[12].mem =0; btn[13].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[13].relay_pin =114; // pin gpio Relay btn[13].channel =13; // channel btn[13].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[13].mem =0; btn[14].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[14].relay_pin =115; // pin gpio Relay btn[14].channel =14; // channel btn[14].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[14].mem =0; btn[15].pin =22; // pin gpio buton 0 = no buton btn[15].relay_pin =116; // pin gpio Relay btn[15].channel =15; // channel btn[15].ms =0; // if = 0 Bistable -- if > 0 Monostable for X ms btn[15].mem =0; supla_btn_init(); SuplaDevice.setDigitalReadFuncImpl(&supla_DigitalRead); // ------Send Value to server ------- SuplaDevice.setDigitalWriteFuncImpl(&suplaDigitalWrite); // ------- Read Value from server ------- SuplaDevice.setTimerFuncImpl(&supla_timer); SuplaDevice.setStatusFuncImpl(&status_func); // ----------------------------- Status ----------------------------- SuplaDevice.setName("Supla16x16"); int LocationID = atoi(Location_id); SuplaDevice.begin(GUID, // Global Unique Identifier mac, // Ethernet MAC address Supla_server, // SUPLA server address LocationID, // Location ID Location_Pass); // Location Password // read_initial_relay_state for(int i=0;i<BTN_COUNT;i++){ // ---check relay except der have delay (staircase) if ( (btn[i].ms) > 0 ) { continue; } else { eep = EEPROM.read(i); // ---read relay state if (eep > uno ){ EEPROM.write(i,uno); Serial.println("epp correct"); EEPROM.commit(); } Serial.print("Recover."); Serial.print(i); Serial.print(" read."); Serial.println((eep)); Serial.print(" channel "); Serial.println((btn[i].channel)); sr.set(btn[i].channel, eep); // set single pin } } } void loop() { drd.loop(); if (initialConfig){ for(int i=0;i<BTN_COUNT;i++){ EEPROM.write(i,0); } ondemandwifiCallback () ; initialConfig = false; } if (shouldSaveConfig) { Serial.println("saving config"); DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject(); json["Supla_server"] = Supla_server; json["Location_id"] = Location_id; json["Location_Pass"] = Location_Pass; File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "w"); if (!configFile) { Serial.println("failed to open config file for writing"); } json.prettyPrintTo(Serial); json.printTo(configFile); configFile.close(); Serial.println("config saved"); shouldSaveConfig = false; WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); ESP.restart(); delay(5000); } if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { WiFi_up(); } SuplaDevice.iterate(); //if (millis() > an_milis){ analog_switch(); //an_milis = an_milis + 200; //} if (millis() > eep_milis){ Eeprom_save() ; // ------------------------------Eepron save callback ----------------------------- eep_milis = eep_milis + 5000 ; } switch (s) { // ------------------------------------------------ Status ------------------------------------ case 17: // ----- STATUS_REGISTERED_AND_READY if (epr<BTN_COUNT){ Serial.print("Eepron_read..."); Serial.println(epr); Eepron_read() ; // ------------------------------- Eeprom read callback ------------------------------- epr = epr+1; // -------- 1 loop for each output 8 in total ---------- } break; case 10: // --------------------- REGISTER_IN_PROGRESS ---------------------- epr = 0 ; startEeprom = true; break; } } int supla_arduino_tcp_read(void *buf, int count) { _supla_int_t size = client.available(); if ( size > 0 ) { if ( size > count ) size = count; return client.read((uint8_t *)buf, size); }; return -1; }; int supla_arduino_tcp_write(void *buf, int count) { return client.write((const uint8_t *)buf, count); }; bool supla_arduino_svr_connect(const char *server, int port) { return client.connect(server, 2015); } bool supla_arduino_svr_connected(void) { return client.connected(); } void supla_arduino_svr_disconnect(void) { client.stop(); } void supla_arduino_eth_setup(uint8_t mac[6], IPAddress *ip) { WiFi_up(); } SuplaDeviceCallbacks supla_arduino_get_callbacks(void) { SuplaDeviceCallbacks cb; cb.tcp_read = &supla_arduino_tcp_read; cb.tcp_write = &supla_arduino_tcp_write; cb.eth_setup = &supla_arduino_eth_setup; cb.svr_connected = &supla_arduino_svr_connected; cb.svr_connect = &supla_arduino_svr_connect; cb.svr_disconnect = &supla_arduino_svr_disconnect; cb.get_temperature = NULL; cb.get_temperature_and_humidity = NULL; cb.get_rgbw_value = NULL; cb.set_rgbw_value = NULL; return cb; } void WiFi_up(){ // conect to wifi if (millis() > wifimilis) { WiFi.begin(); for (int x = 10; x > 0; x--) { if (x == 1){ wifimilis = (millis() + wifi_checkDelay) ; } if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) { break; } else { yield(); delay(500); Serial.print("."); } } if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED){ Serial.println(""); Serial.println("CONNECTED"); Serial.print("local IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.print("subnetMask: "); Serial.println(WiFi.subnetMask()); Serial.print("gatewayIP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.gatewayIP()); long rssi = WiFi.RSSI(); Serial.print("Signal Strength (RSSI): "); Serial.print(rssi); Serial.println(" dBm"); } else { Serial.println(""); Serial.println("not connected"); } } } void analog_switch(){ buttonValue = analogRead(A0); //Read analog value from A0 pin if (buttonValue<=50){ //For no button: delay (100); return; } else { delay (50); buttonValue = analogRead(A0); Serial.print ("analog read: "); Serial.println(buttonValue); if (buttonValue>=113 && buttonValue<=153){ //For 1st button: Serial.println("read: 9 "); an = 8; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=256 && buttonValue<=296){//For 2nd button: Serial.println("read: 10 "); an = 9; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=389 && buttonValue<=429){//For 3rd button: Serial.println("read: 11 "); an = 10; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=525 && buttonValue<=565){//For 4th button: Serial.println("read: 12 "); an = 11; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=654 && buttonValue<=694){//For 5rd button: Serial.println("read: 13 "); an = 12; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=796 && buttonValue<=836){//For 6th button: Serial.println("read: 14 "); an = 13; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=930 && buttonValue<=970){//For 7rd button: Serial.println("read: 15 "); an = 14; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } else if (buttonValue>=1000 ){//For 8th button: Serial.println("read: 16 "); an = 15; analogRelay() ; delay (500); return; } } } void analogRelay(){ if ( btn[an].ms > 0 ) { SuplaDevice.relayOn(btn[an].channel, btn[an].ms); Serial.println(" monostable"); } else { if ( (btn[an].mem) == 1 ) { // ----------------- == 1 if channel is false... == 0 if channel is true ----------------------- SuplaDevice.relayOff(btn[an].channel); Serial.print("BTN Switsh off relay "); Serial.println(btn[an].relay_pin); } else { SuplaDevice.relayOn(btn[an].channel, 0); Serial.print("BTN Switsh on relay "); Serial.println(btn[an].relay_pin); } } delay (500); }
CreystalFreq 26M
FLASH SIZE 32Mbit (4MByte)
supla_595_reset_to_Config16_x16.bin ------------> 0x00000
To bring the device into configuration mode, in this case press Reset_Button 2 times
When in configuration mode, the device goes into Access Point mode.
In order to enter or change the settings, you need to:
- Sign in at https://cloud.supla.org (registration is free of charge)
- Connect to WiFi called (Supla16x16) from any computer with a wireless network card and Internet browser.
- Open access page:
- Enter user name and password to the WiFi through which the device will get Internet access.
- Enter Server address, Location ID and Location Password, which will be provided once you sign in at cloud.supla.org
Question for my friend Elmaya. Will this arrangement work with Supla? I just managed to find this great product on AliExpress, check it out!
PLN 92.09 | ESP8266 WIFI 16 Relay Module ESP-12F Development Board Power Supply 5V/12V/24V 10A
https://a.aliexpress.com/_EwFVd9p and whether the software from this post will work. It's about controlling the blinds.
Sorry for the English, it's from a translator.