supla PZEM004 v2

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This is not a thread about other devices but about PZEM004. Don't make a mess
jak coś nie działa to włącz zasilanie.....
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For some devices based on HLW8012 and BL0937

To access the Wi-Fi configuration, press button for at least 10 seconds.
in the configuration page enter the data for "suplaServer, Email and Supla Device Name (name with which it will be seen in the cloud)"


read-only field with the latest Supla connection state.

expectedVoltage -- for calibration.

expectedActivePower -- for calibration.

clear counter -- reset pulse counter.

calibration process:
connect a resistive load with a known consumption, for example a 60W bulb.
access wificonfig (button pressed 10 seconds)
in the "expectedVoltage" field set the voltage of your line for example 227.
in the "expectedActivePower" field, set the consumption of the connected load, for example 60.
press save.
The procedure takes about 15 seconds, then the device restarts and the readings will be correct.
the calibration is only executed if there are data in both fields "expectedVoltage" and "expectedActivePower"
This allows for example to change the Wi-Fi network without recalibrating.

Active Power (W) reading in the humidity channel will be /10
11.1 corresponds to a consumption of 111W

OTA update http://XX:81/update -- xx = device ip. for example
user: admin
password: pass

If someone wants to test?
Test soft, may contain some fault! (hopeful not)
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supla PZEM004 v2
Now as an electricity meter.


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